Tuesday, May 21, 2013

School in a Perfect World

I don't like school and here are some reasons why. Grades don't necessarily show how good you are doing in school, just what you are willing to do for a letter with no meaning, which leads me to my next gripe, Homework. Homework is pointless; it is school away from school. School and home are separate places and should not mix. I also believe I also think school should start later and end later. As you can see, school is far from perfect, and probably never will be, but here is how I would design a perfect world.

To deal with grades, I think they should be replaced with a system that encourages students to work hard. Students do not want a letter that means nothing. I would suggest giving more freedom, fun, and choice for those who want to try, but for those who just don't care, they should be restrained to just a boring school experience. I think school should be fun, for those who try.

To deal with homework, it should not exist. The only thing related to homework should be studying. I think the school system should be more like college; tests are the only things that count are tests. We can put forward the effort we want, and get back what we put in.

School would start at 9:30 and end at 5:30. I don't like the time that school starts. I think the later start would allow for students to get a more full night of sleep. The later end would make up for the late start and allow for less days of school.

I doubt I would like school either way but I think those changes would make it better and more enjoyable to participate in.

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